
Phasellus non pulvinar erat. Fusce tincidunt nisl eget ipsum.

Lorem ipsum dolor

Morbi mattis mi consectetur tortor elementum, varius pellentesque velit convallis. Aenean tincidunt lectus auctor mauris maximus, ac scelerisque ipsum tempor. Duis vulputate ex et ex tincidunt, quis lacinia velit aliquet. Duis non efficitur nisi, id malesuada justo. Maecenas sagittis felis ac sagittis semper. Curabitur purus leo donec vel dolor at arcu tincidunt bibendum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Fusce ut aliquet justo. Donec id neque ipsum. Integer eget ultricies odio. Nam vel ex a orci fringilla tincidunt. Aliquam eleifend ligula non velit accumsan cursus. Etiam ut gravida sapien.

Vestibulum ultrices risus velit, sit amet blandit massa auctor sit amet. Sed eu lectus sem. Phasellus in odio at ipsum porttitor mollis id vel diam. Praesent sit amet posuere risus, eu faucibus lectus. Vivamus ex ligula, tempus pulvinar ipsum in, auctor porta quam. Proin nec commodo, vel scelerisque nisi scelerisque. Suspendisse id quam vel tortor tincidunt suscipit. Nullam auctor orci eu dolor consectetur, interdum ullamcorper ante tincidunt. Mauris felis nec felis elementum varius.

Vitae phasellus

Cras mattis ante fermentum, malesuada neque vitae, eleifend erat. Phasellus non pulvinar erat. Fusce tincidunt, nisl eget mattis egestas, purus ipsum consequat orci, sit amet lobortis lorem lacus in tellus. Sed ac elementum arcu. Quisque placerat auctor laoreet.

Sed feugiat lorem

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing vehicula id nulla dignissim dapibus ultrices.

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Nisl placerat

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing vehicula id nulla dignissim dapibus ultrices.

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Leadership in Business (and life)
The foundation of leadership in business (and life) is people. There is a misconception that leadership is fundamentally about product or production or profits. These are important elements that contribute to leadership but they are not the foundation of leadership. All products, production and creation begin with people. Nothing, literally nothing happens without people. True leadership is how profits, products and production serve people regardless of whether those people are employees or customers. In fact there really should be little distinction between ‘internal’ and ‘external’ customers. All companies have an overseer, but not all companies have a leader. The title is irrelevant. The title of CEO does not necessarily connote leader. Some so-called CEOs undeservedly have the title of CEO but are in reality overseers. Overseers can have positive or negative effects on people, organizations, products and profits. An authentic leader can only have a positive effect. Leadership is about enhancing not diminishing. A leader is not toxic and does not treat others with disrespect or disregard. There is an unpleasant saying that the ‘fish stinks from the head down’ which has always been used to refer to toxic overseers. These people cannot be referred to as leaders, supervisors, managers or even bosses, because they are not. It is unfortunate that we have adopted the habit of calling overseers CEOs or leaders. This misnomer is but a tiny contribution to the ever more pervasive trend of obfuscating the true meaning of words in the service of manipulating perceptions. A real leader would not be content with misalignment between people, profits and products. Leadership in business begins with the energy, culture, values, principles and norms established from the top. Whether or not the organization is controlled by a leader or by an overseer will determine the health and ultimate long-term success of the organization. In an increasingly fractured and disenfranchised world, authentic leaders are becoming increasingly important and necessary. Success both globally and locally depends upon authentic leadership.


Conflict will always arise; regrettably it is remains a part of life, and a part of doing business. Whether you are in conflict with a client, a co-worker, a boss or a vendor, YOU are your best and only controllable asset. Just as with conflicts in your personal life, your personality, attitude and effort will affect outcomes in your professional conflicts. So while you cannot control anyone else in the conflict, you can proactively guide your personality, action (or reaction) and attitude. How you handle yourself will affect the outcome of every conflict, following are some elements to focus on: Your perspective: can this be a learning opportunity, a growing opportunity, can it somehow enhance your business, goals or skill set Your response(s): Give some thought to who you are, and how you’d like to be perceived (internally and externally) during and after the conflict. Never be the one who is known to escalate drama, negativity or chaos surrounding a conflict Self-evaluation: Be honest in your self-evaluation. Have your words, actions or attitudes contributed to either creating or sustaining the conflict. Watch your own story in the conflict, guard against a victimization mentality (portraying you or anyone else as a victim) Your expectations: Consider whether your expectations for the people involved are realistic. Are your expectations of others achievable or impossible; have you been transparent with your expectations so others are aware of them; and most importantly, are you living up to the expectations you expect other to deliver; are you being a personal role model Your goals: Clarify your goals and the outcome you hope to achieve. Think in terms of long-term rather than short-term results Your character: Be your best self in a conflict; don’t allow a conflict or person to turn you into someone you don’t want to be; never give anyone the power to make you behave in an ugly dishonest or unethical manner Keeping these things in mind will help you learn, grown and perhaps emerge stronger and better following every conflict, as well as help reduce conflicts in the future.